Friday, September 07, 2007

Important Book Charts - Number 3

After the Bible/Koran and the recently claimed second most important religious oeuvre, the Pope's Jesus book, I just discovered number 3, entitled A Million Random Digits, available as paperback on amazon for 28.5$. Furthermore, they offer a 'Search Inside' function, and you should definitely check out the helpful user commentaries.
My favorite ones
Such a terrific reference work! But with so many terrific random digits, it's a shame they didn't sort them, to make it easier to find the one you're looking for.
Valuable, but a flawed translation...


Anonymous said...

Generating numbers that appear to be truly random is really hard. One of my former professors once told the story of how in the early days of computer science there weren't that many implementations for generating random numbers around. Thus, basically all the scientists were using the same algorithm. Years later this algorithm was found to be flawed, leading to a bias in the distribution of the generated numbers.

Unknown said...

excellent livre, effectivement mais un peu indigeste sur la fin...