Friday, December 23, 2011

Berlins Gentrifizierung als Pappmaschee-Puppentrick

"Was ist eigentlich Gentrifizierung?" - eine Pappsatt "für den Kiez" Produktion
in einer schönen Pappmaché-Puppentrick-Animation, die an die Augsburger Puppenkiste erinnert.

und der Soundtrack aus dem Abspann, "Ich brauch mehr Geld für Berlin" von John Doe

Friday, December 16, 2011

Unlike U - Trainwriting in Berlin

Highly recommended! The fascinating and comprehensive documentary "Unlike U - Trainwriting in Berlin" about the Graffiti train writing scene in Berlin has been put online in full-length and with english subtitles:

UNLIKE U-Trainwriting in Berlin from HISKICK productions on Vimeo.


"...the moviemakers and producers are recently fighting legally for the ongoing distribution of UNLIKE U.
The Berlin transport company (BVG) has sued us in order to refrain us from distributing the movie regarding the places the action documented in UNLIKE U took place in.
To understand all of this you’ve got to see the movie yourself..."

There are ways of supporting them!