Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Posting Duty

Now this blog got linked on another website. Although it's just a teeny-tiny link on the bottom of der-mo.net, I am in the duty of regularly updating this page.

At the moment I can only think of two nice URLs, one of them a piece of work by the guy who runs der-mo.net: A nicely visualized overview over the Fluxus art movement that he did as part of his studies. Available are further information (in German) as well as a browser version, and a PC (.exe) and a Mac standalone (.zip).

A second page consists of nice little cartoons drawn by Miki and Steven, when they visited us in Berlin last week. I suppose they are also entertaining without having attended the episodes.

Wednesday, May 17, 2006


I know, I should be finishing the talk for tomorrow. Nevertheless, Brickfilms re-appeared in my perception. An I remembered the gorgeous version of Stanley Kubrick's "2001: A Space Odyssey" as a LEGO stoptrick animation movie, a so-called brickfilm.

Regarding this topic, also check out the new Enkaku post.