Tuesday, October 03, 2006

If That's not an Omen: Chromeo on Tour

I like to think it's an omen:
I just moved to the city in which Chromeo is playing one of their three upcoming concerts next week,
the other two concerts are in the two cities in which I used to lived last;
so people in Montreal and Berlin watch out and visit their sets.
(For details about Chromeo check this post of mine)

oct. 7 2006 11:00
Fractal (Chromeo DJ Set...with A-Trizzy!) Montreal
oct. 12 2006 10:00
Bus Palladium (DJ Mehdi Release Party! -- Chromeo DJ Set) Paris
oct. 21 2006 10:00
103 Club (Dave 1 DJ Set) Berlin

I suppose a new Chromeo album is about to drop, by the way.

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